Canadian Colors |
Tiger 706 leading the trio |
868 421 sqn 40th anniversary |
880 441 sqn "Silver Fox" |
785 CO 441 sqn 1981 |
104805 "Toothbrush" 1983 |
trio parade over Germany |
104663 417 sqn 1983 |
104785 CO 441 sqn 1981 |
868 421 sqn 40th anniversary |
880 441 sqn "Tijuana Taxi" 1983 |
441 sqn line-up Sollingen AB |
104838 Hohenzollern Castle |
colors over Hohenzollern Castle |
805 "Toothbrush" (Red Indian) |
Tiger 706 leading the trio |
880 441 sqn "Tijuana Taxi" 1983 |