F-104G 26+63 "Vikings" arriving for the demonstration at Neuburg AB (ETSN) September 27, 1986 F-104G, construction number 683D-7409, company model 683-10-19, built by MBB (Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm) manufactured by South Group (ARGE-Süd) & VFW; assembly start September 22, 1971 as attrition replacement aircraft assembly in Fighterbomber version according contract lot 5; first flight November 22, 1971 at MBB modification level "Neptun" as Fighterbomber (for German Navy) with AS.30 "Kormoran" anti-ship missile delivery system Navy camouflage scheme "Norm 76" according tech order "TA-196-3"; acceptance date April 28, 1972 by GPS-MBB with 12:15 flight hours 26+63 MFG 1 at Schleswig-Jagel AB on May 4, 1972; MFlgLehrGrp Sylt on February 8, 1977; MFG 1 on August 3, 1979; MFG 2 at Eggebek AB September 23, 1981 Luftwaffenschleuse 11 for AN/ALE-40(N) Chaff/Flare countermeasure dispenser equipment according tech order "TA-1469" on July 19, 1983, back to MFG 2 on September 6, 1983 "Vikings" with a colorful paint scheme, symbolizing the colors of Schleswig-Holstein for the F-104 Farewell on September 11, 1986 stored in Navy camouflage scheme "TA-196-3" at LwSchleuse 11 with 2.052 flight hours November 26, 1986; struck off charge order (AVA) February 24, 1988MAP (Military Assistance Program) to HAF (Hellenic Air Force) on April 27, 1988 and stored at Athens; in July 1989 last noted stored at Athene in MFG colors in July 1990 first noted in storage at Athene in HAF colors without FG code; coded "FG-7409" for 116.Pterix (Wing) at Araxos AB in October 1992 last flight and withdrawn from use April 8, 1993 at 132 Combat Group (later HAF Detachment Agrinion); dump October 2017 noted; September 2018 (bad status) noted. copyright © "Blacky" Schwarz