F-104G DF+118 Jagdbombergeschwader 36 (JaboG 36) Hopsten

F-104G, construction number 683D-9135, company model 683-10-19, built by SABCA
manufactured by West Group (ARGE-West); assembly start May 31, 1964 at SABCA-Gosselies; first flight September 10, 1964 with construction number "9135" in Fighterbomber version
5 factory test fights and 4 military test flight with 8 flight hours; military test flights at Gosselies: 5.10.1964; 13.10.1964; 20.10.1964 and 6.11.1964
coded KH+156 acceptance date November 6, 1964 by BABwSABCA
camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196"; LVR 3 (Luftwaffenversorgungsregiment 3) on December 9, 1964 for modifications
flown into Hopsten coming from Manching on February 2, 1965 (delivery date) by Oberstleutnant (LtCol) Lothar Kmitta, Kommodore of JaboG 36 (FBW 36)
DF+118 JaboG 36 delivery date at Hopsten AB on February 5, 1965; IRAN at SABCA on April 11, 1967 with 52 flight hours, back to JaboG 36 on June 2, 1967
26+07 IRAN at SABCA on March 5, 1969 with 439 flight hours, back to JaboG 36 on October 3, 1969
JaboG 31 on July 24, 1974; VFW for inspection on April 17, 1980; JaboG 33 in 1980; LVR 1 "F-104 Kommando" at Erding AB on November 15, 1984
EL-70/EL-73 Electronic Counter Measure (ECM) system was installed in the weapon system in the late 70s with tech order "TA-FL1191"
withdrawn from use and stored at LwSchleuse 11 on May 15, 1985; struck off charge order (AVA) November 26, 1985
MAP (Military Assistance Program) to Turkish Air Force on January 21, 1986 with 3.106 flight hours (TuAF serial number 64-9135)
coded "6-135" with 6 AJU at Main Jet Base at Bandirma with 162 Filo; coded "8-135" at Diyarbakir AB with 181 Filo of 8.AJU May 17, 1990 in Turkish camouflage scheme
withdrawn from use on January 31, 1994 at 1.Air Supply and Maintenance Center at Eskisehir AB; stored Diyarbakir in April 1994
preserved on pole at Erzurum AB as "8-135" with markings of 8.AJU September 2003 first noted; July 2021 noted; April 2024 noted.

39°56'52.01"N 41°11'22.81"E

copyright © Hans-Peter Jans