F-104F BB+366 WaSLw 10 (OTU Operational Training Unit) at Norvenich AB

F-104F, construction number 283-5053, company company model 483-04-08, US serial number 59-5000, built by Lockheed
manufactured by Lockheed Aircraft Cooperation (LAC), Burbank; flight tests 1960 with US serial number coded "59-5000"
shipped in boxes to Bremerhaven June 3, 1960; transported via train to Messerschmitt-Norvenich
Messerschmitt test flight July 18, 1960; acceptance date by BABwMTT on July 21, 1960
BB+366 WaSLw 10 (OTU Operational Training Unit) at Norvenich AB July 26, 1960 in Silver-finish colors
crashed January 25, 1962 after engine failure (no afterburner ignition, it failed to light at all) during formation take-off at Norvenich AB
after hitting trees shortly after lift-off; front pilot ejected safely, back seat pilot (IP) did not eject and was killed
written off; struck off charge order (AVA) November 9, 1962.

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