Photo of TF-104G 66-13623 wanted!

TF-104G "13623" (no photo)

TF-104G, construction number 583F-5934, company model 583-10-20, US serial number 66-13623, assembly by Lockheed
manufactured by Lockheed, Messerschmitt (ARGE-Süd) and VFW
main parts manufactured by ARGE-Süd (fuselage) and VFW (wings)
airlifted from Frankfurt AB to Lockheed-Burbank on October 21, 1966
assembly at Lockheed-Burbank and test flights coded "13623" at Palmdale (planned code KF+234 was not used)
 operated in USAF Silver-finish colors by the 4510th CCTW at Luke AFB
(German shadow serial number 2804) coded 13623
crashed July 8, 1969 at Gila Bend Bombing Range after engine failure
(flame-out due to fuel control malfunction) flying inverted during a VLADD bomb delivery
both pilots ejected, 1 pilot was killed by the ejection seat, 1 pilot USAF IP ejected safely
operated by the 4512 CCTS; 505 flight hours; written off.

VLADD: Visual Low Angle Drogue Delivery (Nuclear Weapon Delivery Maneuver)