TF-104G 27+92 MFG 2 TF-104G, construction number 583F-5922, company model 583-10-20, built by Lockheed manufactured by Lockheed and Messerschmitt (ARGE-Süd); assembly according contract lot 5 fuselage assembled at Messerschmitt-Augsburg, wings manufactured at Messerschmitt-Manching ARGE-Süd parts (fuselage, wings and tail) airlifted to USA on August 10, 1965 with a Canadair CL-44D airfreighter of "Flying Tiger Line" at Lockheed-Burbank assembled and test flights coded KF+222 at Palmdale in 1965; airlifted January 3, 1966 to Avio Diepen Ypenburg AB, Netherlands for reassembly camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196"; accepted on February 22, 1966 by BABwFokker TB+262 MFG 2 at Eggebek AB delivery date on March 17, 1966 27+92 Navy camouflage scheme "Norm 76" according tech order "TA-196-3" in 1972; ErpSt 61 at Manching AB on July 12, 1973, back to MFG 2 on December 11, 1973 crashed May 7, 1982 during a sea low level into Baltic Sea after water contact near island Laesoe, Denmark (CFIT) both persons ejected, but the chutes did not open in time, the pilot and a passenger were killed; struck off charge order (AVA) June 28, 1982. copyright © W.Zetsche collection