F-104G 26+83 MFG 2 "Vikings" at Sion AB, Switzerland, during the Sion Air Meeting June 1986 F-104G, construction number 683D-7429, company model 683-10-19, built by MBB manufactured by South Group (ARGE-Süd) & VFW; assembled by MBB-Manching starting March 29, 1972 as attrition replacement aircraft assembly in Fighterbomber version according contract lot 9; first flight June 7, 1972 at MBB modification level "Neptun" as Fighterbomber (for German Navy) with AS.30 "Kormoran" anti-ship missile delivery system Navy camouflage scheme "Norm 76" according tech order "TA-196-3"; acceptance date July 11, 1972 by GPS-MBB with 3:15 flight hours 26+83 MFG 1 at Schleswig-Jagel AB delivery date on July 9, 1972; MFG 2 at Eggebek AB on September 24, 1980; Luftwaffenschleuse 11 added an AN/ALE-40(N) Chaff/Flare countermeasure dispenser equipment according tech order "TA-1469" on February 13, 1984, back to MFG 2 on April 5, 1984; TechnGrp 11 of LVR 1 "F-104 Kommando" at Erding AB on October 31, 1986 withdrawn from use and stored at LwSchleuse 11 on May 5, 1987; preservation according tech order "TA 1485"; struck off charge order (AVA) on February 10, 1989 MAP (Military Assistance Program) to Hellenic Air Force on April 20, 1989 with 2.181 flight hours for spare part use (ferry with Greek C-130), but used by the 116.Pterix at Araxos AB coded "FG-7429" in 1990 withdrawn from use May 28, 1992 and last flight from 116 Combat Wing to 132 Combat Group at Agrinion AB (HAF Detachment); stored October 2017 noted. "Neptun" 36 F-104G Fighterbomber for the Navy with built-in AS.30 "Kormoran" anti-ship missile delivery wiring system. copyright © Markus Rindisbacher