RF-104G 21+23 of MFG 2 Eggebek AB 1984 RF-104G, construction number 683D-6678, company model 683-04-10, built by FIAT (Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino) manufactured by Italian Group (ARGE-Italien); RF-104G production in Photoreconnaissance version; first flight May 22, 1965 coded KC+157 at FIAT in Turin-Caselle project "Earl" (for MFG 2) as RF-104G with AS.30 "Kormoran" anti-ship missile delivery system installed camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196"; acceptance date July 27, 1965 by BABwFIAT VB+218 MFG 2 at Eggebek AB delivery date on July 27, 1965 21+23 Navy camouflage scheme "Norm 76" according tech order "TA-196-3" in 1971 MBB on March 27, 1979 modified to MARINE-Recce version according tech order "TA-1401" with Side Oblique Camera (SOC) KS-87B, back to MFG 2 on May 31,1979 to Luftwaffenschleuse 11 on November 2, 1983 for AN/ALE-40(N) Chaff/Flare countermeasure dispenser equipment modification according tech order "TA-1469"; back to MFG 2 on December 16, 1983; withdrawn from use and stored at LwSchleuse 11 on July 29, 1986; struck off charge order (AVA) December 6, 1986MAP (Military Assistance Program) with 3.061 flight hours to Hellenic Air Force coded "FG-6678" on December 16, 1986 to 335 Mira (Squadron) of 116 Pterix (Wing) at Araxos AB April 14, 1992 withdrawn from use at KEA Hellinikon; on May 12, 1993 HAF HQ approved its transfer to HAF Academy (School of Icarus) at Tatoi, Athens to be used as instructional aid noted at School of Icarus inside in November 2009 and September 2005; on November 13, 2008 it was approved to be displayed at Municipality of Saronikos. Korinthia in February 2009 it was noted at HAF Museum, Tatoi being prepared for display using the rear fuselage of F-104G construction number 6699 on June 23, 2009 mounted on a pylon at the village of Moni Taxiarchon, near the town of Athikia, Corinthia some 12 km S from Corinth town (Corinth Canal) in silver livery coded "FG-678" March 2021 (weathered) noted; March 2024 noted. Project "Earl": 27 RF-104G from the ARGE-Italy for the 1.Staffel (Squadron) of MFG 2 at Eggebek with built-in AS.30 "Kormoran" anti-ship missile delivery wiring system. Athikia, Corinthia was the birth place of a couple of Hellenic Air Force pilots that lost their lives in the past and the 6678 was put up there as a monument to honor them. copyright © Axel Ostermann