F-104G 20+05 JaboG 34 in formation with a RAF Jaguar of 41 squadron from Coltishall during a squadron exchange in August 1980 F-104G, construction number 683-2005, company model 683-10-19, built by Lockheed manufactured by Group USA (ARGE-USA); assembly in Fighterbomber version according contract lot 1; first flight 1960 at Lockheed-Palmdale flight tests flown with register number "105"; "Joint Test Force" at Palmdale AP for "Category I" basic system tests airlifted April 28, 1961 with C-124 transporter of the USAF to TSLw 1 at Kaufbeuren AB with 50 flight hours acceptance date May 4, 1961 by BABwMTT in Silver-finish colors; project "Balance" (upgrading) was not implemented coded BF+009 TSLw 1 (Technische Schule der Luftwaffe 1) as instructional aircraft (GIA) until July 31, 1967 Messerschmitt for upgrading and latest modifications standard on August 3, 1967; camouflage scheme "Norm 62" according tech order "TA-196"; planned code DD+107 was not used 20+05 JaboG 34 at Memmingen AB delivery date on June 18, 1968; several detachments at Decimomannu AB in the 70s EL-70/EL-73 Electronic Counter Measure (ECM) system was installed in the weapon system in the late 70s with tech order "TA-FL1191" August 1980 JaboG 34 exchanged with RAF 41 Squadron flying the Jaguar GR.1 at RAF Coltishall TechnGrp 11 "F-104 Kommando" at Erding AB on July 17, 1985; JaboG 34 on August 22, 1986; September 14, 1986 "Tag der offenen Tür" for "25 Jahre Fliegerhorst Hopsten" at JaboG 36 new Lizard camouflage scheme "Norm 83" in September 1986; TechnGrp 11 "F-104 Kommando" at Erding AB on August 20, 1987 withdrawn from use and stored in airworthy condition as attrition reserve aircraft at LwSchleuse 11 on October 8, 1987 with 3.044 flight hours; struck off charge order (AVA) January 4, 1988MAP (Military Assistance Program) to Turkish AF (TuAF serial number 61-2005) on September 13, 1988; coded "6-005" with 162 Filo of 6.AJU at Bandirma AB 1988; coded "8-005" at Diyarbakir AB with 181 Filo of 8.AJU in May 1990 withdrawn from use 1993; stored at 1.HIBM at Eskisehir AB until July 1995; cut up at Eskisehir AB according CFE (Conventional Armed Forces in Europe) Treaty on July 17, 1995; scrapped. 1.Hava Ikmal Bakiim Merkezi: 1.HBIM Overhaul center Turkish Air Force, Eskisehir AB copyright © Peter Mühlböck collection